This Week: Sunshine vs Shadows

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

This Week: Sunshine vs Shadows

Tonight (AKA Wednesday, 8/8) at 11E/8P you can tune in to RadioNOPE for a new episode of Step to the Music. It’s a thing, it happens every week, you shouldn’t be surprised by now. So what is there to say about tonight’s ep? Something about a dichotomy, maybe. The bright candy-coated pop melodies and the dark brooding bass manipulations. The in-your-face pop hook that knocks all the air out of the room and the cavernous, minimal, reverb-drenched spaciousness. The straight-ahead pounding four on the floor kick and the subtle sidewise shuffle-rhythm. Something like that.

And of course you can tune in at 10E/7P for a brand new episode of Songs From Under the Floorboards, Jacques gonna treat you right!

And of course log on to the chatbox to keep us company…