Upcoming: Holiday Schedule
Well friends and dancers, stick a fork in 2019, at least so far as new episodes are concerned. Starting tonight we go into holiday reruns! The next two weeks will be replays of the Space Disco episodes, in preparation for the release of Star Wars Episode IX, and then December will feature replays of the Christmas specials. Schedule is as follows:
Tonight (November 20): Episode #101, Space Disco II
November 27: Episode #12b, Two Hour Intergalactic Cosmic Disco Party and Episode [IX] Warmup Mix (remastered)
December 4: Episode #13b, Exxin’ X-Mas Disco Slam-dance Christmas Party (remastered)
December 11: Episode #102, Dance Away Yr Holiday!
December 18: Episode #138, Wonderful Christmas(h)time (Yule Tunes III)
Christmas Day: Episode #138, Wonderful Christmas(h)time (Yule Tunes III)
New Year’s Day: Replay of the most popular episode of 2019 (tune in to find out!)
Real talk: there is an outside chance I’ll find inspiration some time in the next month to put together a new Christmas episode to air 12/18, but don’t go holding yr breath… Most of my effort will probably be going into calculating the top episode and combing through the year’s releases to put together a 2019 retrospective (scheduled to air the second week of January!)
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