Episode 174: New Familiar

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 174: New Familiar

After the previous week’s episode, which delved into the mania and anxiety of shelter in place quarantine, this one provides an escape, an hour of relief in a sonic bubble bath. Now, I have to admit that I am still me and this is still SttM, and so things inevitably get a bit weird, vibes turn a bit uncomfortable, and yesterday never hates tomorrow as much as today hates today.

The introduction is dreampop, with a brief detour into straight pop, and then through to wicked and bold dance pop for a bit. Aesop Rock introduces the middle third with the first hint of unease, leading into some slow techno into the hinterlands of Weird Club (with special guests Negativland). On the other side of this sojourn, we return to straight up pop for the home stretch, with a few pauses, first to learn what English sounds like to Italians and then to wonder what a Goonda is. Faith Evans and the boys of A Tribe Called Quest know it hasn’t been an easy year, and offer their understanding to close out the journey.

BPM: 106