Episode 125: What’s It Gonna Take?

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 125: What’s It Gonna Take?

This is an episode from almost four years ago that, for some strange reason, never got published on this here ‘blog. It goes all over the place, but the main thrust is that it begins with ~140 BPM club bangers, moves to dubstep and grime, then shifts back to underground club.

As a side note, someone recently asked me the difference between a “banger” and a “bop.” My off the top of the head answer was that a banger inspires horizontal movement, while a bop inspires movement vertical. On further thought, I think it might be more that a banger moves the hips and a bop moves the head.

That has nothing to do with anything, but really neither does a show from almost four years ago, so…

BPM: 145