Tag: D******

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 111: Decade of an Afro Warrior

Last night’s episode showcases Benga’s “Diary of an Afro Warrior” ten years after it came out. Yes, this was what D****** sounded like before Skillrex came along and ruined everything. ~141 BPM, bass and space. At some point over the past few years I got sick of trying to explain to people who were convinced…
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Coming This Week: Decade of an Afro Warrior

This month marks the tenth anniversary of the release of Benga’s classic LP “Diary of an Afro Warrior.” So I gave it a listen and it mostly holds up (“Go Tell Them” was a too-cute misfire back in 2008 and still is), which inspired me to dedicate an episode to it, along with (mostly) other…
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