Episode 122: Immovable

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 122: Immovable

This week’s episode took the base stock of oblique Club I’ve been simmering for a few months now and adds flavors of house, techno and gqom. It’s a quintessential SttM episode, in that it gets really weird around the middle, and then gets super poppy at the end. Also, there are several “clever” transitions that were entirely by accident. Except the real gqom transitioning into the horror movie gqom genre parody. That was intentional and barely counts as clever.

Club to house to wonky to gqom to fake gqom to club to weird club to extremely weird club to borderline noise, back to weird club, then to industrial pop, back to gqom, to melodic chanteuse techno, to Latinx electro-pop, to house, and finally landing on some epic outro techno. The almost-symmetry was entirely intentional and in no way clever.

BPM: 126