Episode 182: Dear Leader

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 182: Dear Leader

Comparing this episode to episode 188, which aired last night, I am forced to ask myself “reuse the same tricks much?”

Yes, 188 began with Bestiärio and ended with The Beths, where this one switches them and adds a J. Robbins track at the end, but I must berate myself for a lack of variety here, leaning on the traditional (Fanu, Plug) and the recent (Samurai Music comps, Methlab releases). Oh, slip in a hip hop tune in the middle? Like basically every DnB episode I’ve ever done? REAL creative!

That out of the way… can you really argue with success? Like that “Dune” trailer: if the formula works, milk that sumbitch! This episode also distinguishes itself by dropping into a Grey Area haze around its middle, suggesting a 127 BPM foray before snapping back into place… which reminded me that Grey Area can pivot between distant tempos and inspired me to return to that for episode 183.

BPM: 167