Episode 183: I Tried

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 183: I Tried

Grey Area Experiment #04

As I mentioned in the description for the previous one, this episode was partially inspired by a chatbox discussion on Grey Area’s use of polyrhythms to create two simultaneous tempos– usually 127 BPM and 171 BPM (though I’ve recently discovered that producers have expanded into other tempos… a subject for a future experiment!), and it reminded me to give it a try.

So, this one begins in the 130 range, with a scummy dance rock groove giving way to house and techno sounds until Sam KDC comes in with some triplets to shift things to 175 BPM for a few DnB tracks, before the OG (unknown) Grey Area themself comes to bring things back to house/techno tempo. Things wind up with some death/goth rock from Swedish band Then Comes Silence. It’s a song that ends too abruptly to be a truly good show ender, which I forgot until too late.

BPM: 131/175/83