Episode 196: Spectra

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 196: Spectra

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is weird. Nothing to do but sit in a holding pattern and wait for the world to start up again. It’s an eerie, uncertain, liminal space. Or so in most years… in 2020 it’s just more of the same.

That said, I made the decision a few years ago (in 2018) that the episode on the Wednesday between the two holidays should be dub techno. Last year Christmas and New Year’s both fell on Wednesdays, so I simply aired the most recent Christmas episode twice. This year called for a new episode, but I decided to expand things: not just dub techno. deep techno. And make it longer. 90 minutes.

196 begins where 139 left off (only 57 episodes in two years? no wonder newer shows are catching up to me!), with dub techno godfathers Basic Channel. Things start deep, and gradually surface… this episode has the opposite of the usual SttM structure… before returning to the deep. Evigt Mörker finishes the mix on a heavenly mnml note.

BPM Range: 130-136