Episode 207: That Feeling Again

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 207: That Feeling Again

Just how many episodes can I begin with I LIKE TRAINS songs? I’ll just keep going until the singer’s tendency to recycle vocal melodies gets enough on my nerves to counteract the joy of the post-punk guitar hooks and tasty synth sonics… in other words, it’s possible that I’ll play every song on the album before the year is out.

ILT segues into Yazzus’ Gurren Lagan remix and from there it’s off to the races– another 160 BPM drum’n’werk episode! This one is distinguished (though not by much, honestly) by a middle third made up of underground club offerings. I’ve unsuccessfully tried to fit SWAN MEAT’s “SWAN’S LAMENT” into so many episodes that I had to triple-check I hadn’t already played it at least once before. This episode is also, unless I am mistaken, the first time I’ve played a track from Addison Groove’s remix EP. Prepare to hear plenty more…

BPM: 160