Episode 209: The Pusher Man

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 209: The Pusher Man

This episode could be viewed as a response to the last one, heavy and sinister where 208 was light and joyful. This is not to say that it lacks melodicism, which it has in spades, hearts, clubs AND diamonds friends… more that it would rather shove your ass onto the dancefloor than send it a friendly invitation. Some club, some grime, some d******, even a bit of hi-tempo house. At the center of the mix is the song that gives the mix its name, a sinister retro-electro jam from Neil Lanstrumm and frequent collaborator Si Begg; push up the irony level a smidge and it could be an early Trans Am jam. Finishing things off in suitably populist/poptimist style we have a Jersey Club Fergie remix and an anime theme refix from Yazzus. Enjoy!

BPM: 143