Tag: underground club

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 187: MDK Code 187

A few weeks before this episode, Brian Musikoff aired episode 138 of his always excellent Radio NOPE program Musicon With Musikoff, which consisted of 138 minutes of covers of the Misfits’ “We Are 138.” It got me in mind of times gone by, when I’d do episodes based on their number. SttM #23, twenty-three being…
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Episode 168: 1nce Again

This episode, dating back to those innocent, halcyon days of early March, starts with some dreampop, before pivoting to dance pop for a bit, before pivoting again to hip hop. The middle third takes various detours through club, techno, and downtempo, before returning to hip hop for a bit, then concluding with a profane club…
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Episode 167: Frames of Paradise

This episode features dance rock, disco, dance pop, some quick Latinx club, a Jersey Club remix, some left-field techno out of Bristol, UK, a bit of straight functional techno, and quite a bit of lo-fi house. As per ususl (do I even need to say it any more?) things get a bit weirrrd at around…
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Episode 164: Some MORE Good Shit From 2019

Another extra-length episode looking back at a year that was a year, exactly what it says on the tin. This one focuses on a lower BPM range, starting at 105 and building to 135 by its end. So at the start there is hip hop, nu disco and dancehall/dembow-inspired club. The second chunk features some…
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Episode 163: Some Good Shit From 2019

The first episode of the new decade spends 85 minutes looking back. Some of these songs I’ve played on previous episodes, and some of them are songs that I haven’t, but mainly because they don’t fit the format especially well… which is to say that this is an unusually rock-heavy episode. Altin Gün and Hatchie…
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Episode 129: Behemoth

this one begins with Astronomique’s modern reimagining of 90’s dreampop before shifting gears to Ckrono’s aggressive reggaeton sounds (off a compilation of House music). The remainder of the mix goes back and forth between oblique club and hip-hop, with a focus on the oldschool. There are a few sidetracks into slow house and alternative rock before…
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Episode 122: Immovable

This week’s episode took the base stock of oblique Club I’ve been simmering for a few months now and adds flavors of house, techno and gqom. It’s a quintessential SttM episode, in that it gets really weird around the middle, and then gets super poppy at the end. Also, there are several “clever” transitions that were entirely…
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Episode 120: youknowhowwedu

This week’s episode served to get me out of a few lazy ruts that I noticed I’d fallen into. One of them is only playing music with a metronomic pulse that can be correctly ‘gridded’ in Traktor. This took over from my previous tendency to use the ‘warp’ feature on everything when I was using Ableton, putting…
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Episode 119: Funk From 2905

Last week’s episode was a sequel of sorts to episode 117’s “Footwork and Footwork Adjacent” playlist. One difference: the footwork adjacent part is more limited to jungle and club (although “club” remains an amorphous enough genre term that it doesn’t limit all that much). Another difference: more populist remixes and sample choices: Migos, Depeche Mode, Barry White,…
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Episode 118: U Just Gotta Be

This week’s Episode features an array of polyrhythmic intersections, percussive club madness, and glistening dark borderline-psychedelic sounds. It leans pretty heavily on the Classical Trax “Jamz!” compilation, as well as several charity comps. Real Bingey Byrell the Great – #Cmon [Chopped Cheese] Jayda G – Sestra’s Cry [Physically Sick] NKC – For Yourself [Her Records Volume…
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