Author: admin

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

This Week: ClubXHipHop

Tune in to RadioNOPE next Wednesday (6/20, 11E/8P) for another new SttM! This week is a bit of a followup to #120, though less ooooout there. The similarities: plenty of oblique club beatz and no allegiance to a single BPM. Different: not completely divorced from a recognizable rhythmic pulse, and mixes in some old-school Hip-Hop…
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Episode 120: youknowhowwedu

This week’s episode served to get me out of a few lazy ruts that I noticed I’d fallen into. One of them is only playing music with a metronomic pulse that can be correctly ‘gridded’ in Traktor. This took over from my previous tendency to use the ‘warp’ feature on everything when I was using Ableton, putting…
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This Week: Hoooooooooo BOY!

This week’s episode… and I’m cognizant of the fact that I’ve said this several times before, and I’m regretting that at this point, wishing that I could take it all back, because it’s established a bit of a ‘The Bob What Cried Wolf’ situation wherein I’ve robbed the phrase of its full descriptive power, leaving…
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Episode 119: Funk From 2905

Last week’s episode was a sequel of sorts to episode 117’s “Footwork and Footwork Adjacent” playlist. One difference: the footwork adjacent part is more limited to jungle and club (although “club” remains an amorphous enough genre term that it doesn’t limit all that much). Another difference: more populist remixes and sample choices: Migos, Depeche Mode, Barry White,…
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This Week: FootworkXJungleXClub

If you know me, you might know that I’m not really big on hyping my own stuff. I’m just not comfortable doing it; I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver. So with that said, even I can’t deny that this week’s Step to the Music (which I just finished mixing and mastering) is FRIKKIN’ MASSIVE! It can…
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Episode 118: U Just Gotta Be

This week’s Episode features an array of polyrhythmic intersections, percussive club madness, and glistening dark borderline-psychedelic sounds. It leans pretty heavily on the Classical Trax “Jamz!” compilation, as well as several charity comps. Real Bingey Byrell the Great – #Cmon [Chopped Cheese] Jayda G – Sestra’s Cry [Physically Sick] NKC – For Yourself [Her Records Volume…
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This Week: More Club Weirdness

What can I say about this week’s episode? At the risk of underselling it, I seem to have settled into a bit of a comfortable rut, mixing some underground club with some techno, slapping on a bit of grime, calling it a show. And it keeps working and I’m not tired of it yet, so…
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Episode 117: No Fuks Given

This most recent episode first aired a few weeks ago (apologies for the delay), at a time when a confluence of circumstances led to zero people listening to it. I thought that was a shame, because I’m quite fond of this one. So I let it marinate for a few weeks and aired it again.…
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This Week: Footwork & Footwork Adjacent

Wednesday, April 25th, 11/10C, RadioNOPE Step to the Music episode 117 premieres, featuring some proper bangin’ Footwork and a bunch of stuff that mixes well with Footwork. Yup, it’s another 160 BPM show, and the hardest thing about putting it together was paring 7 hours of prime sonic ecstasy down to a lean 60 minutes……
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Episode 116: Future Club Internationale

Last Wednesday’s episode starts out a bit ADD, fitting six short, energetic tracks into the first twelve minutes. From the Latin beats of Merca Bae to the Sino-club of Demon Slayer, to the mutated mentasm of Monotronique, to the Cali dancehall/HA! pastiche of Habibiboi, to the chopped Serbian beats and bass of dJJ’s Lil Taty…
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