Tag: dance rock

Beats and Grooves and Random Left Turns

Episode 189: Law of Averages

Another ~130 BPM episode unfolds with another mix of dance rock, house, techno, and club music. This one, I suppose, distinguishes itself by an even higher than usual genre agnosticism, incorporating hip hop and Damaged Bug’s trash rock, as well as SWAN MEAT’s avant gardism, wandering almost directionlessly through the various genres on its pallet.…
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Episode 188: It Ain’t No Use

I Wish That I Could Wish You Well Looking back, episode 182 featured Drum’n’Bass, began with a song by The Beths and ended with a song by Bestiärio. This episode, in a striking contrast, features Drum’n’Bass while it ENDS with a song by The Beths and BEGINS with a song by Bestiärio. Totally different, as…
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Episode 186: Texan Levee Grime

Aloha Amigo-San While largely based in grime, this episode ranges quite widely, from Pottery’s wild Texan (though Canadian, actually) post-punk rave-up, to London for Silkie’s posh Dubstep and sinister instrumental grime from Terror Danjah and Johnny East… then to Portland for Modern Melodies and their slowed down take on Juke. Then we head back to…
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Episode 183: I Tried

Grey Area Experiment #04 As I mentioned in the description for the previous one, this episode was partially inspired by a chatbox discussion on Grey Area’s use of polyrhythms to create two simultaneous tempos– usually 127 BPM and 171 BPM (though I’ve recently discovered that producers have expanded into other tempos… a subject for a…
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Episode 181: Strange Conversations

~100 BPM episodes are often a challenge. While some BPMs mark out definitive genre zones, 100 encompasses an overlap of several disparate sounds. So the ~100 episodes are often extra eclectic and divergent and eccentric and hence difficult to assemble. Describing this episode, therefore, is a challenge right now. There’s no through-line, no apparent theme.…
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Episode 179: From the Outside

Following the previous angry one, this episode is relatively sedate and apolitical, featuring some jazzy electro sounds, some grime, and quite a bit of d******. There’s a touch of angry hip hop in there, because the police have not yet been defunded, and things do get pretty dang heavy just from a sonic standpoint here…
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Episode 174: New Familiar

After the previous week’s episode, which delved into the mania and anxiety of shelter in place quarantine, this one provides an escape, an hour of relief in a sonic bubble bath. Now, I have to admit that I am still me and this is still SttM, and so things inevitably get a bit weird, vibes…
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Episode 173: The World Is A Very Scary Place

This here episode, in its formative stages, kept flip flopping between being dark songs to plumb the depths of self-quarantine and being light happy songs to take one’s mind off (what seemed at the time) such a terrible situation (were we ever so innocent?!) while refusing to settle on either. It finally came together when…
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Episode 172: He Works For The Revenue

Time again for a 140BPM episode! These tend to lean heavily on older music, since d****** started really turning to shit around 2010. But that leaves more than five years of viable dance tunes! The newer stuff here is grime and faster club/house tunes, as well as random bits of rock, hip hop, and electronic…
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Episode 171: A Paradise For Assholes

A Few Days Since I Left The House This particular episode aired on April Fool’s Day, but there’s not much joking going on. We were all still getting used to shelter in place, it still had some novelty, but certain elements were taking a simple request not to put their fellow citizens at risk of…
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